How to create a landing page from start to finish with Lunacy

Hey everyone, this is the best tutorial you will find on the internet on how to create a website using Lunacy, I will tell you how you can prepare yourself physically and mentally for this. You are not obliged to follow this path. It doesn't matter if you're not feeling brave or motivated, this is a good read.

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Everything can start in several ways, you must choose which is the best solution, I will teach you some of the most common ways, depending on the situation that arises you will have to solve it with your own criteria, do not be afraid, actually after you practice it constantly you make it a habit, and you will gain experience and try new perspectives, Just remember that you are not alone in this, you are not the only person who is going through this situation, so you must look for a way to move forward in your project, you must start it, finish it and also maintain it.

Also, if you don't know how to communicate with people, dedicate yourself to learning that skill, use compound growth, that involves learning or advancing a little each day, like building a house one block at a time, so to speak. Why do I tell you all this?, because it is not enough to know how to design or use a tool, you must also be mentally prepared, you must prepare yourself so that when you fail you start again learning from your own failure and not get stuck in it.

Do you want to be a web designer?

As for any job you want to do in your life, you should prepare yourself in the following way:

  1. Study (For example: in this case, you are here to learn web design because you want to be a web designer. Right?, first study the basics or fundamentals of design, research what type of tools are commonly used, usually this information can be obtained for free on the internet and there are also paid courses, it all depends on how you want to learn, find your way to learn)
  2. Practice proactively (I mean that you dedicate a couple of hours or more daily to it)
  3. Find a way to create good habits (without it, you won't be able to do much, you would only have a tremendous impulse to do it at first, but then it is very likely that you will give it up, so create good habits, such as: Tidying your bed, your personal hygiene, dressing appropriately, exercising, going for a walk from time to time, socializing a little from time to time, or daily, have fun in some way, take advantage of what you already have)

Remember that we live on this planet called earth, and that things can happen to us that can be perceived or felt as negative, but you don't have to take it personally, just continue doing your thing, don't hurt others, let them live and live too, don't forget, things work like this currently

Do you want a routine that keeps you healthy, energetic, focused, motivated, and happy?

Make sure you do these things at least 3 to 5 days a week:

  • Spend some time studying and practicing
  • Do physical exercise at least 30 minutes a day, it can be a sport, or the gym, a simple walk, run, it can be any physical activity, that will fill you with vitality, it can also help you eliminate stress, negative thoughts among other things, (You don't need to pay for a gym or other things, you can exercise for free from home and for free either with YouTube videos or with home exercise apps)
  • You can read books or blog articles like this one on the internet, it will help you stay focused on whatever you do
  • Eat well, and have fun, find healthy activities for your mind and body, true that you currently do many activities that are healthy, and you have not realized it

There's nothing more to talk about this, I'll explain below how to start a web design project with Lunacy, I'll explain it from the planning.

Do you want to know how to start a web design project?

It all starts with an idea, that idea must solve a problem for one or more people, you can also do it because you want to, don't limit yourself, but at least try to make money with it, you can design a website for yourself or for a client. Below you can see a video on how to plan this: 

How do you know what the customer wants?

You can find many types of people, there are those who already know how they want their website to work and look and others who know how they want it to work, but they don't know how it should look so that it can meet the objective more smoothly (To put it in a way), I say this because it is not highly recommended to add safari colors and images to a website of a dentist specialized in people of the elderly, must go images according to it. Do you understand what I mean? Well, I continue, you must do research not only with your client, who, by the way, you must be patient with him, look for a way to know more about his idea, how, for what and for whom he wants to implement it.

Next, I will show you some questions that you can ask your potential clients and also you if you want to start a web design project, believe me that knowing the answers to those questions can help you enormously to complete the project satisfactorily, but do not limit yourself to asking only these questions, if you feel that you want to know more about the client it is already up to your criteria, (Remember that your own criteria are developed as you live experiences, which do not necessarily have to be experienced in a real way with a client, you can create fictitious projects, but very complete and well done to start, for example this tutorial is based on a fictitious project, so you can experience how it is done) You can use fictional projects made by you with your personal touch to publish them in your portfolio and show your future clients your skills, there is no excuse for this.

But first you should know the following:

What do you call the process where you ask a customer questions about what they want their website to look like?

For those who don't know, the process of asking a customer questions to determine their needs and expectations regarding a website is commonly known as briefing, requirements analysis, or information gathering.

Why is this process important?

  • Ensures an aligned outcome: It allows the web designer or developer to clearly understand the client's goals, their target audience, and the functionalities they want to implement on the site.
  • Avoid misunderstandings: Clarify expectations from the beginning, avoiding future conflicts or unnecessary modifications.
  • Streamlines the design process: By having a clear vision of the goals, you can design a more efficient structure and content.
  • Ensures customer satisfaction: By involving the customer in the process from the beginning, you increase the likelihood that the end result will meet their expectations.

What kind of questions are usually asked in a briefing?

  • Site Goals: What is the main purpose of the website? (sell products, generate leads, inform, etc.)
  • Target audience: Who is the site aimed at? (age, interests, location, etc.)
  • Competition: Who are the main competitors? What do they do well, and what could they improve?
  • Content: What type of content do you want to include? (texts, images, videos, etc.)
  • Features: What features are essential? (contact form, online store, blog, etc.)
  • Design: What visual style do you prefer? (colors, fonts, etc.) 
  • Platform: Is there a preferred platform or CMS?
  • Budget and timeline: What is the available budget and desired lead time?

In short, the briefing is the fundamental basis for a successful web project. By conducting a good analysis of the client's needs, you can create a website that is not only attractive, but also functional and effective.

Would you like to know more about a specific stage of the web design process?

For example, I can explain how a competitor analysis is done or how a website is structured, tell me in the comments.

Briefing from our client

Let's suppose we find a client named Joe, he's a lawyer who wants a website for his business, and we did a briefing, requirements analysis or information gathering, and he answered us this:

This is the briefing we did to Joe he wants a lawyer's business website

Site Objectives:

  • Main: Attract new clients, position yourself as an expert in the corresponding legal area and generate trust in potential clients.
  • Secondary: Provide valuable legal information to users, facilitate contact with the lawyer and generate leads through consultation forms.

Target audience:

  • Primary: Individuals or companies that need legal advice in the lawyer's areas of specialization (e.g.: labor, family, corporate law).
  • Secondary: Other lawyers, colleagues and potential strategic partners.


  • Analysis: Conduct a thorough analysis of the websites of other lawyers or law firms in the same geographic area or area of expertise.
  • Strengths to highlight: Emphasize the lawyer's experience, specialization, and personalized approach, as well as any relevant recognition or certification.
  • Weaknesses to avoid: Identify areas where competition is weaker and offer more complete or innovative solutions.



  • Information about the lawyer (experience, training, practice areas).
  • Legal services offered (detailed description and benefits for the client).
  • Testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Frequently asked questions.
  • Contact (contact form, telephone, email).


  • Successful case studies.
  • Free legal resources (guides, templates).
  • Relevant news from the legal sector.
  • Explanatory videos on legal topics.



  • Intuitive contact form.
  • Map with the location of the office.
  • Responsive design (adaptable to mobile devices).


  • Online chat for quick inquiries.
  • Integration with social networks.
  • Private client area (to manage documents and communications).


  • Style: Professional, serious, reliable and elegant.
  • Colors: Neutral and sober tones (navy blue, gray, white) that convey security and confidence.
  • Typography: Easy to read and with a clear and modern design.
  • Images: Professional and high quality that reflect the work of the lawyer.


  • Considerations: Ease of use, customization options, SEO, security, and cost.
  • Options: WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, among others
  • Budget and deadline:
  • Define: Establish a realistic budget and delivery deadline according to the needs of the project.
  • Flexibility: Consider carrying out the project in phases if the budget is limited.

Additional considerations:

  • SEO: Optimize the website for major search engines (Google, Bing) using relevant keywords.
  • Web Analytics: Implement analytics tools to measure site traffic, user behavior, and the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
  • Digital marketing: Develop a digital marketing strategy to attract new customers (SEO, SEM, social media, email marketing).
  • Accessibility: Ensuring that the website is accessible to people with disabilities.

Additional questions for the customer:

  • What is the lawyer's main area of expertise?
  • What sets you apart from other lawyers in the market?
  • What is your ideal tone of voice (formal, close, etc.)?
  • Do you have a preference regarding the structure of the website?
  • Do you want to integrate a legal document management tool?{codeBox}

A Briefing can be shorter and simpler than this to start with, but the more you know about what your client wants the better, and you can even start by just asking 4 or 5 of these questions, I just show you the possibilities

If you don't know how to ask your client these questions, then I tell you:

How and where to do a briefing?

Remember that there are many ways to make a Briefing to your client, you can use your phone, a messaging application and even websites for freelancers or in person, either orally or in writing, so prepare yourself for each of these situations

Very well! This is starting to burn, now it's time to write structure the website, define what sections it should have, and write your text content, also get some good images.

Landing page with Lunacy, Learn how to design a lawyer landing page with Lunacy (Coming soon)